Ted Tahquechi

Blind Photographer

Lacking sight, not vision. 





Fauna’s Adventures

Ted and his guide dog Fauna have traveled all over the U.S. and created a body of work to promote the use of legitimate service animals in the hospitality and travel industry.

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Landscapes of the Body

A body positive, inclusive and thought -provoking collection of black and white abstract images celebrating diversity in body type age. ethnic background, gender and physical ability. Read the whole story about this project.

This collection, like all of Ted’s work is presented with an eye toward accessibility featuring tactile prints and full audio descriptions alongside the traditionally printed and framed photographs. 

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Historic Colorado

Ted’s Historic Colorado collection  features images from historic mining locations throughout Colorado presented in the alternate processes Cyanotype format originally developed in 1855. Ted commonly teaches this photographic  process to schools and photo clubs. 

Historic Processes

The Cyanotype process produces a cyan-blue print used for art as monochrome imagery applicable on a range of supports, and for reprography in the form of blueprints.

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Landscape Photography

While I am best known for my abstract explorations of the human form, landscape imagery has long been a passion.

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Our Accessible Journey

What if you could touch a sunset? We have bridged the gap between pixels and touch. Our process extracts the light and texture from and image then creates a multilayered tactile print using 3d printers. 


visit Disabled Art

A photograph and a tactile print sit on a wooden table. The photo is pf a sunset with large rock formations and warm hues.


More of Ted’s Work

Visit the Gallery to see more of Ted’s work. 

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“Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography.”
— George Eastman

Fstoppers.com photo tutorials website logo

5280 Magazine logo

As seen on

A few of the sites and publications that have featured Ted’s work.


Accessible Journeys magazine cover

Affluencer.com logo




The Feedspot logo, 3 diagonal blue lines creating a triangle with he words feedspot

Ted was recently named in the list of the top 40 men Instagram influencers over 50 by FeedSpot! 

See the list




Affluencer website logo

Ted was recently named #14 of the top 35 social media influencers over 50 by Afluencer! “A glance at his Instagram feed confirms this fact. His photography skills are off the charts! The images he captures aren’t just good, they evoke emotion. Look out for his guide dog, Fauna, who makes regular appearances throughout his feed.”

Read the article